问题描述:I have a WordPress site with a custom page comparison that gets a string.

Now it takes:


It needs to be like that:


I’ve tried adding code on my site’s .htaccess that didn’t worked for me and went to WordPress 404 page:

RewriteRule ^phones/compare/(.+?)/?$ phones/compare/?between=$1 [NC,L]

Also I need to redirect to the new search engine friendly URL too when user gets to mysite.com/phones/compare/?between= URL.


You are getting a 404 page because WordPress internally doesn’t understand how to handle the URL. So the solution you are looking for will be a combination of .htaccess (for the redirection) plus a rewrite rule so that WordPress can handle the URL

Add the following to functions.php

add_action( 'init', 'init_custom_rewrite' );

function init_custom_rewrite() {

            'top' );

Replace XXX with the page_id of compare page, flush the rewrite rules by re-saving your permalink structure. Now add a rule to .htaccess for the redirection and that should work.


Add the following code to functions.php to access between query var in the page

add_filter('query_vars', 'my_query_vars', 10, 1);

function my_query_vars($vars) {
    $vars[] = 'between'; 
    return $vars;

And you can then access it using get_query_var("between")

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