TripMate是一款驴友交流旅行计划社交应用系统Flutter手机APP源码,兼容 Flutter v.3.3和Dart v.2.18x,带有 GetX、聊天(文本、图像)、管理面板(PHP+Code Igniter+MySQL)。


1. GetX State Management
2. Get Storage, Google Font
3. Firebase Authentication, Messaging, Storage, Cloud Firestore, Push Notification
4. GeoLocator, Flutter Local Notification
5. Post with Text (required), Image, Video is a template
6. Post Place, Article, within your PlanTrip
7. Able to Comment, Review, Like/Dislike (Bookmark)
8. Able to Follow/Un-Follow (Followers, Followings), Profile, Other Profile
9. Search Place, Article & result page
10. Map Route Direction powered by Google Map
11. Explorer Cities, Categories, Latest Post, Top Post/Article
12. Fancy Bottom Navigation and Left Foldable Menu Drawer
13. Create Your Plan contains Place and/or Article for detailed
14. Chat with Text & Image Ready
15. Multi Language & RTL Ready
16. Dark & Light Theme
17. Flutter Latest version Ready


  • 1. APP启动画面、登录和注册画面
  • 2. 使用电子邮件和密码登录,与 Firebase 身份验证集成
  • 3.社交登录是一个模板(谷歌、苹果、Facebook)
  • 4. 使用全名、电子邮件、密码、重新密码和忘记密码注册
  • 5. 4 个选项卡屏幕,主页、类别、计划、配置文件
  • 6. 发布地点、标签、标题、描述(必填)、3 张图片、视频(模板)
  • 7.探索城市,搜索,转到地方位置和路线方向谷歌地图
  • 8. 由管理面板创建的内部旅游指南和特别酒店收藏
  • 9. 书签(喜欢/不喜欢)、地点和文章详情
  • 10. 花哨的可折叠左侧菜单抽屉
  • 11. Create Post (Place/Article), Comment/Review, Like/Dislike/Bookmark)触发的通知
  • 12. 多语言和 RTL 支持就绪
  • 13. 黑暗与光明主题准备就绪
  • 14. 准备好文字和图片聊天
  • 15. 通知、修改密码
  • 16.关注/取消关注,粉丝列表,关注列表

  • 1. Splashscreen, Login & SignUp Screen
  • 2. Login using Email & Password, Integrated with Firebase Authentication
  • 3. Social Login is a Template (Google, Apple, Facebook)
  • 4. SignUp with Fullname, Email, Password, Re-password & Forgot Password
  • 5. 4 Tab screens, Home, Category, Plan, Profile
  • 6. Post a Place, within Tag, Title, Description (required), 3 Images, Video (template)
  • 7. Explorer the Cities, Searching, Goto place location and route direction Google Map
  • 8. Inside Travel Guide & Special Hotel Collection created by Admin Panel
  • 9. Bookmark (Like/Dislike), Place and Article Detail
  • 10. Fancy Foldable Left Menu Drawer
  • 11. Notification triggered by Create Post (Place/Article), Comment/Review, Like/Dislike/Bookmark)
  • 12. Multi Language & RTL Support Ready
  • 13. Dark & Light Theme Ready
  • 14. Chat with Text & Image Ready
  • 15. Notification, Change Password
  • 16. Follow/UnFollow, List of Followers, Followings


  • 1. Simply Dashboard
  • 2. List of Categories, Sliders (Local Partner Ads), Cities
  • 3. List of Install & User
  • 4. List of Plan, Place & Article
  • 5. List of Admin User Login


1. Flutter Framework (
2. Server, Hosting, Domain with SSL Support (https)
3. PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, support API JSON + PHP
4. Firebase Account Console Developer
5. Google API Map Key Console Developer
6. Visual Studio Code
7. Code Igniter v.4x with PHP v 7.4 up to
8. Follow instruction in Technical Documentation.
9. A Brain to Think


  • Apache Server
  • 申请了SSL的域名
  • PHP Versions >= 7.40
  • MySQL >= 8.0
  • phpMyAdmin >= 5.1
  • CodeIgniter >= 4.0

要访问后端 API,您需要使用您域名中的路径“/public/api”,配置您的Web服务器(基于您的操作系统)并将 api 目录提取到您的网络服务器中。我们建议根路径 `/www/wwwroot/` 或 `/public_html` 或`/httpdocs` 下的 `upload` 和 `writable` 等两个文件夹对所有用户开启可读、可写和可执行权限。(chmod -R 777)

To access the backend API, you will need to utilize the path `/public/api` from your domain, configure your web server (based on your OS) and extract the api directory into your webserver. We recommend the root path `/var/www/html` or `/public_html` or `/httpdocs` and `upload` and `writable` make the folder readable, writable and executable by all users. (chmod -R 777)



本站所有资源版权均属于原作者所有,这里所提供资源均只能用于参考学习用,请勿直接商用。若由于商用引起版权纠纷,一切责任均由使用者承担。更多说明请参考 VIP介绍。

最常见的情况是下载不完整: 可对比下载完压缩包的与网盘上的容量,若小于网盘提示的容量则是这个原因。这是浏览器下载的bug,建议用百度网盘软件或迅雷下载。 若排除这种情况,可在对应资源底部留言,或联络我们。

对于会员专享、整站源码、程序插件、网站模板、网页模版等类型的素材,文章内用于介绍的图片通常并不包含在对应可供下载素材包内。这些相关商业图片需另外购买,且本站不负责(也没有办法)找到出处。 同样地一些字体文件也是这种情况,但部分素材会在素材包内有一份字体下载链接清单。


源码素材属于虚拟商品,具有可复制性,可传播性,一旦授予,不接受任何形式的退款、换货要求。请您在购买获取之前确认好 是您所需要的资源