资源名称:jQuery For Dummies pdf

Learn how jQuery can make your Web page or blog stand out from the crowd! 

jQuery is free, open source software that allows you to extend and customize Joomla!, Drupal, AJAX, and WordPress via plug-ins. Assuming no previous programming experience, Lynn Beighley takes you through the basics of jQuery from the very start. 

You’ll discover how the jQuery library separates itself from other Javascript libraries through its ease of use, compactness, and friendliness if you’re a beginner programmer. 

Written in the easy-to-understand style of the For Dummies brand, this book demonstrates how you can add unique and exciting interactivity to a Web site or WordPress blog, including photo browsers, menus, tab-based navigation, sliding sidepanels, slideshows, transition effects, fade effects, Twitter feeds, and much, much more! 

Walks you through the capabilities of jQuery, the number one open source Javascript library that enables you to provide interactivity on a Web site or blog 
Helps you understand DOM (Document Object Model) scripting, applying CSS classes via JQuery, and adding in special effects and jQuery plug-ins to your site 
Shows you how to create dazzling special effects on your site, including fades, slide shows, sliding panels, tabbed navigation, and more 
Explains how to add customized Twitter feeds, RSS feeds to aggregate content on your site, or add a photo browser to a site or blog 
Introduces ways to create jQuery plug-ins for WordPress, Drupal, and more 
If you have queries about how you can make your blog or Web site stand apart from the crowd, jQuery For Dummies is the book for you! 

From the Back Cover 
You don’t need to be a Web programmer to jazz up your Web site with jQuery! 

Want to keep your Web site cutting-edge but don’t want to invest a lot of time? No worries! This book will help you add simple but compelling jQuery effects and cool prebuilt plug-ins to your site — no geekiness required. You can quickly use widgets and AJAX plug-ins, and gain the essential jQuery know-how to achieve great effects fast. 

Starting point — find out what jQuery can do, use HTML elements, connect the jQuery library to a Web page, and understand the basics 
Make things happen — learn to make page elements appear and disappear, slide, fade, and move 
Plug it in — explore the array of available plug-ins, download and test them, and add widgets to your site 
Meet Ajax — see how Ajax works with jQuery and how you can give your Web site visitors a richer experience 
Manage your content — discover how to use jQuery with Drupal, Joomla!, and WordPress content management systems 
Open the book and find: 

How to acquire and test jQuery 
Tips on understanding parent-child elements 
Different types of event handlers 
Cool things to do with page elements 
Effects you can achieve with animation 
Ways to make forms easier and more appealing to use 
How to add a calendar to a page 
Ten terrific plug-ins you’ll want 
Learn to: 

Build site special effects such as fades, sliding panels, and tabbed navigation 
Create a photo gallery for your blog or Web site 
Customize Twitter® and RSS feeds 
Add jQuery plug-ins for WordPress®, Drupal®, Joomla!®, and more



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