looMobileUX是一款基于基于Bootstrap 5.0.x和Angular 12的多用途H5移动端HTML5网页模板,使用Bootstrap 版本 5.0.x 移动优先 HTML/js 框架和 Framework7 v6.0 以及 Angular 12 UI 入门套件。我们提供范围广泛的定制、独特的创意和灵活的组件。我们还增加了带有小部件和其他第三方定制的组件库。我们还打算为我们的客户创建许多其他演示应用程序页面,以便他们可以轻松地准备好可以满足要求的 html 页面代码。现在您可以查看仪表板、统计信息、个人资料、商店、购物车和手册其他页面的预览。


looMobileUX 2.0 is Shopping app, User Experienced UI design, Flexible and Easy to Expand, Creative Mobile HTML Template.

The Best GO Mobile UX  is HTML template with flexibility and ease to create micro websites, mobile website and mobile applications with cordova and Universal web app.

This looMobileUX HTML template build with Bootstrap version 5.0.x mobile first HTML/js framework and Framework 7 version 6.0.x Core along with Angular 12 starter UI template for mobile UI UX application project. We provide wide range of customized, unique creative and flexible components. We also growing component library with widgets and other third party customizations. We also target to create many other demo application pages for our customer so they can easily get ready html pages code that can be satisfy requirements. Now you can see preview of dashboard, statistics, profile, shop, cart and man other pages. We have created best framework7 template with core version, bootstrap 5, Angular 12 + Bootstrap all three are different and separate.

We’ll also expanded it and always HTML 5 and major use of CSS3 we targeted. The framework we have used are bootstrap 5.0.x version, Framework 7 v6.0.x and Angular 12 . So its uses flex-box properties and gives much smooth responsive utilities. The framework itself comes with responsive adjust into major devices small to large. Bootstrap templates designs also have wide range of Mobile HTML page to select from.

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