WordPress插件looCryPay是一款加密货币BIN/ETH支付网关WooCommerce插件,借助looCryPay,您现在可以轻松接收加密货币付款。此外,您可以直接通过加密钱包 MetaMask 执行此操作。
如您所知,虚拟币POS 和许多其他付款方式会从您那里扣除佣金。这里唯一的佣金是区块链网络收取的“gas”费。所以这笔钱将直接转入您的账户。您可以通过币安智能区块链和以太坊网络接收付款。您可以使用这些网络的内部货币(BNB、ETH)或在这些网络上交易的代币接收付款。
- You can receive payments via crypto wallets supported by the plugin and all blockchain networks supported by these wallets.
- You can pay with native money of blockchain networks or with tokens under these networks.
- Token-based discount identification feature
- Getting paid with your own tokens, even if they are newly released
- You can value your own private currencies against fiat currencies, which are not supported by Currency Converter, and get paid with your private tokens.
- You can easily activate or deactivate the wallets, networks and currencies you want to accept payments from.
- The accuracy of the payments is checked through the explorer. It even confirms the payment process after checking the sent address and the amount sent.
- Payment approvals are double-checked both on the front-end and the back-end. That is, even if the user turns off the computer during payment and leaves. If the payment transaction is completely correct, it will be updated as pay completed.
- All transactions are recorded under the name of the “Transaction list” page. The data held are Transaction id, Chain id, Chain name, Crypto currency, Crypto amount, Order currency, Order amount, Sender address and status.
- You can easily add, remove or deactivate the tokens you want to receive payment from the admin panel.
- If you are selling products without member registration, you can receive payment from your customers without having to register with the “Only logged in users can pay” feature.
- You can choose what to update the product status to once the payment is complete.
- With Loco Translate, you can easily translate into any language you want.
- You can easily move your settings with the backup system.