用于具有挑战性的模拟的高级六边形网格划分 最大限度地利用您在模拟技术上的投资。以更高质量、更耐用的产品击败竞争对手进入市场。降低物理原型制作和测试的成本。

Coreform Cubit 的预处理功能和具有高级六角网格划分和六角主网格划分的 Flex IGA 建模最大限度地减少了为 FEA 和 CFD 准备模型所花费的时间,同时最大限度地控制网格质量以获得高质量解决方案的正确网格,从而使您的投资最大化仿真技术。Coreform Cubit 帮助您最大限度地利用仿真技术的投资收益………

-操作系统:windows 7-11
-4GB RAM(建议 8GB 或更多)
-1GB 磁盘空间
-能够支持 OpenGL 3.2 的显卡和驱动程序(提供基于软件的 OpenGL 3.2 实现作为替代方案,但可能会降低速度过程。)
-1280 x 1024 屏幕分辨率

x64 | File Size: 1.01 GB

Advanced hex meshing for challenging simulations Maximize your investment in simulation technology. Beat competitors to market with higher quality, longer-lasting products. Reduce the costs of physical prototyping and testing.

Coreform Cubit’s pre-processing capabilities and Flex IGA modeling with advanced hex meshing and hex dominant meshing minimize the time spent on model preparation for FEA and CFD while maximizing control over mesh quality to get the right mesh for quality solutions allowing you to maximize your investment in simulation technoloogy. Coreform Cubit helps you maximize the benefit of your investment in simulation technology………

System Requirements
-OS:windows 7-11
-4GB RAM (8GB or more recommended)
-1GB disk space
-Graphics card and driver capable of supporting OpenGL 3.2 (A software-based implementation of OpenGL 3.2 is provided as an alternative, but may slow the process.)
-1280 x 1024 screen resolution

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