JetBrains Rider是一款快速强大的C#集成开发软件 ,用于在Windows、Mac和Linux上进行Unity开发。 以无与伦比的2500多项智能代码检查和重构,Rider增强您的C#体验,使您更加迅速编写零误差的代码。

JetBrains Rider 是一种基于 IntelliJ 平台和 ReSharper 的新型跨平台 .NET IDE。

新的跨平台 .NET IDE
Rider 可帮助您在 Windows、Mac 或 Linux 上开发 .NET、ASP.NET、.NET Core、Xamarin 或 Unity 应用程序。它为 .NET 开发中使用的语言提供丰富的编辑支持和代码洞察力,从 C#、VB.NET 和 F# 到 ASP.NET Razor 语法、JavaScript、TypeScript、XAML、XML、HTML、CSS、SCSS、JSON 和 SQL。

Rider 允许您打开、编辑、构建、运行和调试大多数类型的 .NET 应用程序:桌面、Web、库、服务(UWP 应用程序明显例外)。还支持以 Mono 为目标的应用程序,例如 Unity 和 Xamarin,以及最新最好的 .NET Core 应用程序。
Rider 支持 .NET 开发中使用的许多语言,包括 C#、F#、VB.NET、ASP.NET(ASPX 和 Razor 视图引擎)、XAML、XML、JavaScript、TypeScript、JSON、HTML、CSS、SCSS、LESS , 和 SQL………





0. Turn off the Internet

1. Install Rider as usual.

2. After installation, but before the first launch, we create some folder on the computer in which cracks will be stored (over time, Ryder may need to be reactivated, and a new crack will successfully settle there). I recommend this way:

3. I didn’t figure out which part of the crack is important. Perhaps this is just the *.jar file itself. I just copied the entire `ja-netfilter-all` folder to the path we chose above.

4. Go into the folder with the installed rider, into the `bin` subfolder.

5. Find the file `rider64.exe.vmoptions` there, open it with a text editor and add this line at the very end (obviously, the path must match yours; pay attention to `=jetbrains` at the end):

6. Connect the Internet back. If Ryder asked for a reboot after installation and you haven’t done it yet, reboot.

7. Start the rider. Go through the basic setup of the rider / import the config from the previous version. After the basic settings, an activation window will appear. If it does not appear, open it yourself:
Configure (bottom left) > Manage Licenses

8. For each module (rider itself, dotCover, dotTrace):
* Choose License server as the activation method
* As a license server –
* If everything is OK – should write `Licensed to wizards flam`

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最常见的情况是下载不完整: 可对比下载完压缩包的与网盘上的容量,若小于网盘提示的容量则是这个原因。这是浏览器下载的bug,建议用百度网盘软件或迅雷下载。 若排除这种情况,可在对应资源底部留言,或联络我们。

对于会员专享、整站源码、程序插件、网站模板、网页模版等类型的素材,文章内用于介绍的图片通常并不包含在对应可供下载素材包内。这些相关商业图片需另外购买,且本站不负责(也没有办法)找到出处。 同样地一些字体文件也是这种情况,但部分素材会在素材包内有一份字体下载链接清单。


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