Cerbero Suite Advanced是一款安全性文件分析工具,是先进的恶意软件分类和文件分析工具套件。软件集多种功能于一体,包括分析许多文件格式,包括PE,Mach-O,ELF,Java,SWF,DEX,PDF,DOC,XLS,RTF,Zip等等。自动分析,交互式分析,Carbon Interactive Disassembler。

Cerbero Suite Advanced是一款高级的恶意软件分类和文件分析工具套件。分析多种文件格式,包括 PE、Mach-O、ELF、Java、SWF、DEX、PDF、DOC、XLS、RTF、Zip 等等。自动分析、交互式分析、Carbon Interactive Disassembler、字节码反汇编程序(.NET MSIL、Java、DEX、ActionScript2/3、VBA、字体)、带布局的十六进制编辑器、Windows 内存分析(原始转储、WinDmp 文件、休眠文件) , JavaScript 调试器,极其丰富的 Python3 SDK,扩展支持,C++/PDB 结构导入器,对项目和书签的支持。完全多平台(Windows、Linux、OS X)。访问我们的博客,了解 Cerbero Suite 的实际应用!

这是 Cerbero Suite Advanced 的一些相关功能的列表。请注意,由于产品的复杂性和持续改进,不可能列举所有功能。


  • 电子邮件 (EML)
  • 附件提取
  • Torrent
  • Windows Dmp 文件 (WINDMP)
  • 检查内部结构
  • 在可用时全面检查内存
  • Windows 休眠文件
  • 检查内部结构
  • 全面检查内存
  • Windows 原始内存映像 (WINMEM)
  • 支持所有 Windows版本
  • 检查内存中的文件
  • 支持 VAD 树
  • 用户地址空间
  • 系统地址空间
  • 所有支持的 Windows 版本的系统符号

File size: 78.55 MB

State-of-the-art suite of tools for malware triage and file analysis. Analysis for many file formats including PE, Mach-O, ELF, Java, SWF, DEX, PDF, DOC, XLS, RTF, Zip and many more. Automatic analysis, interactive analysis, Carbon Interactive Disassembler, byte-code disassemblers (.NET MSIL, Java, DEX, ActionScript2/3, VBA, fonts), hex editor with layouts, Windows memory analysis (raw dumps, WinDmp files, hibernation files), JavaScript debugger, extremely rich Python3 SDK, extension support, C++/PDB structures importer, support for projects and bookmarks. Completely multi-platform (Windows, Linux, OS X). Visit our blog to see Cerbero Suite in action!

This is a list of some relevant features of Cerbero Suite Advanced. Please note that it is not possible to enumerate all features because of the complexity and on-going improvement of the product.
Carbon Interactive Disassembler

Supported file formats:
Email (EML)
Extraction of attachments
Windows Dmp files (WINDMP)
Inspection of internal structures
Full inspection of memory when available
Windows Hibernation files
Inspection of internal structures
Full inspection of memory
Windows Raw Memory Images (WINMEM)
Support for all Windows editions
Inspection of files in memory
Inspection of SSDT, IDT, GDT
Suppport for VAD trees
User address spaces
System address space
System symbols of all supported Windows editions




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