VB程序反编译工具Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler

Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler是一款实用的EXE反编译工具,可以轻松将VB程序编写的应用程序进行反汇编,反汇编出来的文件用户还可以使用VB进行二次编译,十分地方便,不过小编提醒一下大家,一定要尊重作者的劳动成果,不要随便反编译别人的作品,更不要把别人的作品改一下当成自己的。

AbyssMedia ScriptCryptor Compiler 可以允许你设置所生成EXE文件的各种参数,包括应用程序图标,所需要包含的额外的文件列表,公司名称,程序名称,版本,文件备注,时间等!

Abyssmedia ScriptCryptor Compiler 4.x | 3 Mb

ScriptCryptor lets you quickly produce standalone, royalty free applications from your VBS or JS files. VBScript or JScript files will be converted into EXE files, the source of your scripts will be encrypted with Blowfish algorithm. Once converted, they cannot be modified or viewed by other users.

ScriptCryptor Compiler also lets you set various resources in the .EXE file, such as its description, the company name, version information and even the application icon. In additional, you may include any files to compiled exe file and use it during execution.

Main Features:
Compile Javascript and VBScript to console or windowed programs (VBS to EXE, JS to EXE)
No temporary file will be created while executing. Unlike the other products, our compiler will execute script from the memory and will never create unprotected files in the TEMP folder.
Command-line compilation
Script obfuscation: hides and protects sources of a script from viewing.
Highlight command’s syntaxis inside built-in editor.
All additional files required by your script may be embedded into EXE file.
Allows you to use your own Icon and Version Info for compiled files.
Built-in WScript object. You not need to modify your script and can use standard WScript.echo, WScript.Arguments, e.t.c.
Script become independent Win32 executable, without relying on “cscript.exe” or “wscript.exe”
Royalty Free. You can create unlimited products without having to pay royalties.
Lifetime free upgrades.

Home Page – http://www.abyssmedia.com/scriptcryptor/


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