GlassWire 是一个网络监控和安全工具,包含繁体中文版以及其它国家语言。当 GlassWire 1.0 发布第一个版本时,小编就与开发团队联系制作简体中文版,不可否认,GlassWire 开发团队还是很积极的回复,他们会增加文语言,时至今日,GlassWire 简体中文版正式发布,当然中文语言中仍有一些语言需要改善,同时也会在以后的版本中以更适合国人的语言出现。GlassWire 是一个免费的网络监控和安全工具,它具有内置的防火墙。可提供网路即时流量、网路通讯监控、中断应用程式连线、整体网路或单一应用程式的流量统计与即时连线警示等功能。使用者能够通过本工具来保护自己的隐私不被各种恶意软件泄露,非常的安全实用。

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GlassWire protects your privacy and security by searching for unusual Internet behavior that could indicate malware or violations of your privacy. Once unusual network activity is discovered you’re instantly alerted with detailed information so you can protect your computer, privacy, and data.


Network Monitor
Visualize your current and past network activity by traffic type, application, and geographic location, on an easy to use graph. It lets you see what applications are sending out data over the Internet and shows you what hosts they are communicating with.

Internet Security
It adds extra Internet security to your computer or server by visualizing all past and present network data in an easy to understand graph. Instantly see every application or process communicating over the Internet, then dive in deeper to see who or what your computer is communicating with.

Bandwidth Usage Monitor
Keeping track of your daily, weekly, or monthly bandwidth usage is easy with GlassWire. Go to the usage tab to see what apps, traffic, or hosts are using the most bandwidth.

Internet Privacy Protection
It shows all your network activity on an easy to use graph to help protect your Internet privacy. Easily see what apps are sending out data to the Internet and what host in what country they are communicating with. When you visit a website click the graph to see every server that your computer communicated with while that web page loaded.

Remote Server Monitoring
It installs easily on servers so you can monitor their network activity on your local computer via our remote access feature. Go to settings and choose ?remote server? to logon to your server after you have installed GlassWire on your local computer and remote server.

Discreet Alerts
It’s specifically designed with an alert system so it wasn’t annoying to users. It will alert you briefly and then disappear into the background.Network Time Machine Use the sliders to go back in time and analyze past network activity on the graph. Check your bandwidth usage by day, week, and month in detail with resolved hosts.

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