Eziriz .NET Reactor 是一个强大的代码保护和软件防盗版工具,完全由.NET框架编写。.NET Reactor支持NET平台的软件许可系统,并支持NET程序集所有语言。当.Net编译器编译你的C#或VB.NET程序时,程序员的程序并不会编译为原生的机器语言,而是编译成为了通用中间语言指令(CIL)。CIL是介于源代码和本地代码的中间的语言,当你的程序运行,不是直接执行的机器代码,而是由.NET框架解释执行。



.NET Reactor is a powerful code protection and software licensing system for software written for the .NET Framework, and supports all languages that generate .NET assemblies.

When you compile a program written for the Microsoft .NET framework, the program you provide to your users is not compiled into a native executable program, but instead is translated into something called the Common Intermediate Language instructions (CIL). CIL is half way between source code and native code, and is interpreted by the .NET framework when your program is run, rather than executed directly as machine code. Because of this, the source code of your application or library can be easily reproduced. Tools such as .NET Reflector can reproduce source code from a compiled .NET assemblies in seconds, and in the .NET language of your choice! Clearly, commercial software distributed to end users without some form of protection is wide open to piracy and intellectual property theft.

The traditional solution to intellectual property protection in .NET is to use ‘obfuscation’, indeed Microsoft make an obfuscation utility available to Visual Studio users.

System Requirements
-IBM compatible PC with Pentium class microprocessor.
-Windows 2000/2003/XP with 512 MB RAM, Windows 2008/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 with 1 GB RAM.
-Administrative access is required to install to Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista or Windows 7/8/8.1/10.
-.NET Framework 4.0 or higher.

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