NetSarang Xmanager Power Suite是一款一款强大好用的会话管理工具,主要适用于网络管理人员使用,可以轻松连接远程服务器时行各种操作,拥有人性化的操作界面,支持对话进行创建、编辑、删除或者同时启动多个会话操作,支持将UNIX / Linux桌面环境带入到windows pc版本中,新版本优化了性能,增加了全新的支持,能够大大地提高管理人员的效率,节省对应的时间.

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Xmanager Power Suite is an all-in-one solution that includes Xmanager, Xshell, Xftp and Xlpd in a single suite. Xmanager runs X window applications, and Xshell manages remote Unix/Linux servers with a secure terminal. Xftp transfers files between systems securely, and Xlpd runs local printing for remote documents on other systems.

Centralize Scattered System Resources and Reduce TCO
Companies using various operating systems may find their system resources scattered over the network due to multiple X applications and file systems. Xmanager Power Suite 6 solves this issue by allowing users to access all scattered resources directly from their desktop. Having a central location that allows users to access applications remotely, upgrades and maintenance become easily manageable and reduce TCO.

Interoperability for Maximum Productivity
All programs included in this suite share a common SSH (Secure Shell) security module to interoperate with one another conveniently and efficiently. With all the various features integrated into a single suite, customers can experience an easier time with purchase, installation, maintenance, as well as a reduced total cost of ownership………….

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