HTML代码编辑器Blumentals HTMLPad 2020多语言激活版


File Size: 59.9 MB

HTMLPad is an intelligent all-in-one HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor, trusted by thousands of professionals and learners in over 50 countries. Packed with sophisticated features and tools, HTMLPad enables you to create, edit, validate, reuse, navigate and deploy your HTML, CSS and JavaScript code faster and easier than ever. HTMLPad includes full-blown CSS studio and a powerful JavaScript editor offering you the best value.

Features of HTMLPad:
– Quick and lightweight. Loads much faster than any other editor or IDE with similar features.
– HTML5 and CSS3 ready Updated! Coding features are up-to-date with modern HTML5 and CSS3 standards.
– Powerful HTML tools Updated! Tag matching, HTML Tidy, HTML inspector, HTML assistants and more.
– Powerful syntax highlighting Updated! Supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, XML, ASP, Perl and more.
– Direct FTP/SFTP/FTPS Updated! Edit directly on your web server or publish local development copy updates with a single click.
– Powerful CSS features Updated! CSS inspector, compatibility watch, prefixizer, shadow assistant, box assistants and much more.
– Code intelligence Updated! Tons of intelligent code completion, navigation and suggestion features.
– Browser preview Updated! Built-in multi-browser preview, split-screen mode, screen-size testing, XRay.
– Powerful JavaScript editor. JavaScript editor with auto complete, language tools and more.
– Smart code re-use. Code snippet library and code templates with assignable shortcuts.
– Advanced search and replace. Quick search, detailed search, file search, regular expression support, detailed results and more.
– Integrated validation Updated! Spell checker, W3 HTML and CSS validator, CSS checker, JSLint JavaScript checker………….



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