
这是一门短期课程,涵盖使用 Appium 和 Java 为 Android 和 Ios 移动应用程序开发自动化测试套件的所有必要项目。使用 Appium 和 Java 为 Ios 和 Android 应用程序学习移动自动化。利用您的 Web 自动化/Selenium WebDriver 知识开始使用 Appium 移动APP测试自动化。


了解如何为 Android 应用开发自动化脚本

了解如何为 Ios 应用程序开发自动化脚本


学习为 WebView 和移动网站开发自动化脚本。

学习使用 appium 桌面客户端和检查器工具

学习使用 Android Uiautomator 查看器

学习使用 Android Emulator 和 Ios Simulator 等虚拟移动设备。

学习利用 BrowserStack 等云提供商实现移动自动化。


学习处理 android 和 Ios 应用程序的滚动或滑动手势。

学习使用 Appium 中的 TouchAction 类处理诸如点击、长按等移动手势


学习从脚本启动和停止 Appium 服务器和模拟器

学习在本地机器(Windows 和 MAC)中设置 Android 和 Ios 自动化环境


了解Appium安装在Windows和Mac iOS和Android设备
开发Android自动化测试脚本和Ios Apps

具有 Selenium WebDriver 知识的自动化测试人员和 QA

Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 2.41 GB | Duration: 5h 2m

What you’ll learn
Quick start with mobile automation in both ios and android with your existing selenium knowledge
Leverage your Web automation skills to get started with Appium
Learn Appium installation for IOS and Android devices in both Windows and MAC
Develop test automation scripts for Android and Ios Apps
Learn to integrate mobile automation with mobile cloud providers

This is a short course which covers all necessary items to develop automation test suite for Android and Ios mobile Apps using Appium & Java. Learn Mobile Automation with Appium with Java for both Ios and Android apps. Leverage your Web Automation/ Selenium WebDriver knowledge to get started with Appium mobile automation.

Provided a Quiz at the End of the course to help you test your knowledge on learned concepts

Learn How to develop automation scripts for Android apps

Learn How to develop automation scripts for Ios apps

Learn features of appium

Learn to develop automation scripts for WebViews and Mobile Websites.

Learn to use appium desktop client and inspector tool

Learn to use Android Uiautomator viewer

Learn to work with Virtual Mobile devices like Android Emulator and Ios Simulator.

Learn to make use of cloud providers like BrowserStack for mobile Automation.

Learn to launch mobile devices, inspect elements and Run tests in cloud.

Learn to handle Scroll or Swipe gestures for both android and Ios Apps.

Learn to handle mobile gestures like Tap, Long Press using TouchAction class in Appium

learn to handle complex elements like Wheel pickers, Seek bars etc

Learn to start and stop Appium server and Emulator from script

Learn to setup the environment for Android and Ios Automation in local machine (Windows and MAC)

Who this course is for:
Automation Testers and QA with Selenium WebDriver Knowledge
Any one who wants to learn mobile automation

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