Alteryx是数据融合和高级分析软件的领导者。Alteryx Analytics为分析人员提供了一个直观的工作流,用于数据融合和高级分析,可在数小时内而不是传统方法通常数周的时间内提供更深刻的见解。Alteryx使用60多种预先构建的工具,可以轻松地将统计,预测和空间分析整合到同一个工作流环境中,而您无需编写任何代码。

Alteryx bootcamp for Analytics Automation and ETL. Perform data analysis & create reports using Alteryx Designer

Created by Start-Tech Academy | Last updated 4/2021
Duration: 4h 49m | 15 sections | 49 lectures | Video: 1280×720, 44 KHz | 2.04 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Sub

What type of software is Alteryx?
Alteryx Designer is a Windows software application that provides an intuitive drag-and- drop user interface for users to create repeatable workflow processes. Users can drag tools from a toolbox onto a canvas, connect them together, and edit their properties to create Alteryx workflows, apps, and macros
What is analytic process automation?
Analytic Process Automation (APA) is the technology that allows anyone in your organization to easily share data, automate tedious and complex processes, and turn data into results. With Analytic Process Automation, anyone can unlock predictive and prescriptive insights that drive quick wins and fast ROI.
How expensive is Alteryx?
We get one month free trial for Alteryx and we suggest that students complete the course within this trial period. Otherwise, Alteryx Designer – Alteryx’s desktop-based, design-time platform costs $5,195 per year, per user under a one-year contract.
What is ETL?
The ETL (extract, transform, load) process is the most popular method of collecting data from multiple sources and loading it into a centralized data warehouse. ETL is an essential component of data warehousing and analytics.
How much can I earn?
In the US, median salary of an Analytics process developer is $74,835 and in India average salary is Rs. 7,06,902 per year. Accenture, Tata Consultancy Services, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Capgemini, IBM, Infosys etc. are major recruiters for people skilled in Analytics Automation tools.
Who this course is for:Students who want to have a career in the field of Data Analytics and automationETL developers and data process automation developersBusiness managers who want to understand the entire ETL and analytics process and become capable of implementing it

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