构架软件系统是一项需求量很大的技能,但它不是一种容易获得的技能。要了解为什么很难找到这种技能,让我们看一下马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler)关于建筑的博客中的几行内容。









MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 238 lectures (24h 38m) | Size: 5 GB
Learn how to Architect and Deploy large scale systems with High Performance, Scalability, Reliability, and Security





What you’ll learn:
Architecting Software Systems and Solutions
Architectural insights into tech stack like Nodejs, Redis, Cassandra, Kafka, Hadoop, Elastic Search, .. and many more
Architecting for Non-Functional requirements: Performance, Scalability, Reliability, and Security
Deploying large scale production systems using Docker & Kubernetes

Be able to design and write code in any programming language
Understands basic three tier application architecture

Architecting software systems is a skill that is in huge demand, but it is not a readily available skill. To understand why this skill is rare to find, let’s go through a few lines from Martin Fowler’s blog on architecture.

He says: Architecture is about the important stuff. Whatever that is. It means that the heart of thinking architecturally about software is to decide what is important, (i.e. what is architectural), and then expend energy on keeping those architectural elements in good condition. For a developer to become an architect, they need to be able to recognize what elements are important, recognizing what elements are likely to result in serious problems should they not be controlled.

It takes a number of years for a developer to learn enough to become an architect. This learning largely depends on the kind of opportunities that you get in your career. Often these opportunities are limited to specific areas of work only. However, to be an architect, you must possess extensive technical knowledge of as many areas as possible. You must understand all the complexities and challenges in different parts of a system. You need the ability to make upfront decisions by understanding various trade-offs. You should be able to foresee or anticipate critical problems that a system can face during its evolution.

This is where the ‘Developer To Architect’ course can be very useful for you. It assumes that you already have great development skills, and it builds from there. It extensively covers architecting non-functional properties of a system, handling of large-scale deployments, and internal working of popular open-source products for building software solutions.

To give you some details of what is specifically covered:

Architecting non-functional properties like Performance, Scalability, Reliability, Security.

Large-scale deployment and operations using Docker containers and Kubernetes.

Internal working of popular open-source products like Node.js, Redis, Kafka, Cassandra, ELK stack, Hadoop, etc for confidently architecting software solutions.

In short, this course will help you learn everything you need to become a ‘true’ architect in a very short period of time.

Who this course is for
All software developers and architects who want to learn software architecture and become an architect
All architects who want to polish their software architecture skills to become a ‘true’ architect

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