






MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 21 lectures (1h 7m) | Size: 645.6 MB
Learn Tkinter by building a cryptocurrency desktop app

What you’ll learn:
How to install Python
How to get started with Tkinter
How to create a desktop app window
How to add objects to the desktop app window
How to make HTTP requests
How to get live cryptocurrency exchange rates
How display cryptocurrency exchange rates to users
How to add searching feature
How to run your app
And much more

PC with Windows or Mac
Internet connection
Basic understanding of Python (How create python files and functions)

This courses will teach you how to build a complete desktop app that displays cryptocurrency exchange rates using Python programming language. Python was described as the language that is capable of doing anything and everything. And desktop apps are no exception. The good news about this course is that you don’t need advanced knowledge in Python, all you need is just simple knowledge of how to create simple Python functions/scripts.

Being able to create Python desktop applications on your own is so important if you want to take your Python skills to the next level and specialize in desktop app development. Moreover, this course gives you the opportunity to accomplish that by honing in on a Python’s Tkinter module. It’s is a super powerful module that is capable of creating awesome desktop quickly and it’s also an easy module with no complexity.

By the end of this course you will have built a desktop app using Python programming language that is capable of getting live cryptocurrency exchange rates and display them to users.

Why should you take this course?

There are many reasons why this course is extremely important.

First and most prominently is that you will learn one of the most amazing Python capabilities.

Secondly you will improve your python skills by creating a complete project.

Third you can highlight this particular skill in your CV which would potentially make you stand out from the crowd.

What you will learn in this course?

1. How to install Python.

2. How to get started with Tkinter.

3. How to create a desktop app window.

4. How to add objects (buttons, labels, etc) to the desktop app window.

5. How to make HTTP requests.

6. How to get live cryptocurrency exchange rates.

7. How display cryptocurrency exchange rates to users.

8. How to add searching feature

9. How to run your app

10. And much more…

Note: The project that will be created throughout this course will be provided so that you can download it and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Who this course is for
Python developers (All levels)

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