

MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + .srt | Duration: 175 lectures (29h 4m) | Size: 12.8 GB
Learn to program in Go from an award winning university professor

What you’ll learn:
How to write programs in the Go language (often called Golang)
How to create HTML pages using HTML5
How to write Javascript without depending on something like jQuery
How to create and use Cascading Style Sheets
How to build modern, secure web applications in Google’s Go programming language
How to organize your Go application correctly
How to write tests in Go
How to connect to a database in Go
How to manage sessions in Go
How to create and use middleware in Go
How to use 3rd party packages with Go Modules
How to implement secure user authentication in Go
Best practices for security in web applications
How to deploy a Go web application to a live server

There are no prerequisites for this course. All you need is a computer (Mac, Windows, or Linux) and an Internet connection.

Learn to write modern, fast, and secure web applications in Google’s Go programming language, and learn it from an award winning University professor with 20 years of teaching experience, and 20 years of experience working in the industry as an entrepreneur.

Go is a modern, type safe, compiled, and extremely fast programming language. It it is ideally suited for building safe, scalable, incredibly fast web applications.

This course is well-suited for both absolute beginners, and for developers who already know something about web development, but want to add Go to their toolbox.

We start with an overview of the Go language, and then cover everything you need to get started writing web applications, including an overview of HTML5, a survey of JavaScript and JavaScript modules, how to work with Cascading Style Sheets to make our application look the way we want, and much more.

The major project in this course is building a bookings and reservation system for a Bed & Breakfast. Visitors to our site will be able to search for accommodations by date and make an online reservation, and the site owner will be able to manage reservations from a secure back end.

By the time you finish this course, you will have a solid grasp of what it takes to build a completely functional, secure, and fast web application from the ground up, and you will have a solid understanding of the Go programming language.

Who this course is for
Beginners who want to learn to write programs professionally
Experienced developers who are interested in learning Go



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