本课程专为具有至少1年iOS经验的iOS开发人员设计,那些希望学习使用股票API构建金融投资应用APP的开发人员。您将学习对Alpha Vantage进行Restful API调用,Alpha Vantage是一家股票API提供商,用于查询资产价格和其他财务数据,构建美元成本平均计算器,以预测股票、股票、股票和etf等金融资产的潜在回报。


我们还将使用反应式架构构建该应用程序,在该架构中,结合使用带有Swift 5和Xcode 12的Combine框架观察状态。您将学习如何构建可重用,可扩展且可读性强的干净代码。

MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + .srt | Duration: 64 lectures (7h 51m) | Size: 4 GB
Learn to build a dollar cost averaging calculator to project potential returns for financial assets like stocks & ETFs

What you’ll learn:
Fetch financial data via Stock APIs on Alpha Vantage
Rest API calls with API key
Investment concepts like Dollar Cost Averaging
Reactive programming via Combine framework
Unit Tests
Write reusable code using extensions & protocols
Parse complex JSON data

1 year iOS experience
Basic competency with Swift & Xcode

Welcome to the iOS 14 & Swift 5: Financial App with Stock APIs & Unit Tests course!

This course is designed for iOS developers with at least 1 year iOS experience who want to learn to work with Stocks APIs to build a finance investment app. You will learn to make Restful API calls to Alpha Vantage, a stock API provider to query asset prices and other financial data to build a dollar cost averaging calculator to project potential returns for financial assets like stocks, shares, equities & ETFs.

You will also learn how to write unit tests to ensure that the app logic is maintained and protected from erroneous change. This is an important skill to master if you are working in a huge team and with a high tier tech company.

We will also build this app using a reactive architecture where states are observed using the Combine framework with Swift 5 and Xcode 12. You will learn how to structure clean code that is both reusable, extensible and highly readable.

Here are some of the comments by my students

Well, I can say this course is really creating an “Awesome Onboarding” for me. Great job.
– Hery Yang

This is most excellent course. you are speaking clearly, and at a good pace,

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