资源名称:Beginning iOS 7 Development: Exploring the iOS SDK 英文PDF

  1. Welcome to the Jungle
    2. Appeasing the Tiki Gods
    3. Handling Basic Interaction
    4. More User Interface Fun
    5. Autorotation and Autosizing
    6. Multiview Applications
    7. Tab Bars and Pickers
    8. Introduction to Table Views
    9. Navigation Controllers and Table Views
    10. Collection Views
    11. iPad Considerations
    12. Application Settings and User Defaults
    13. Basic Data Persistence
    14. Hey! You! Get onto iCloud!
    15. Grand Central Dispatch, Background Processing, and You
    16. Core Graphics: Drawing with Quartz
    17. Getting Started with Sprite Kit
    18. Taps, Touches, and Gestures
    19. Where Am I? Finding Your Way with Core Location and Map Kit
    20. Whee! Gyro and Accelerometer!
    21. The Camera and Photo Library
    22. Application Localization



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