Taxi2U是一个使用React Native创建的响应式且时尚的仿优步打车系统Android+iOS手机APP应用程序,带Laravel后端和调度面板,带完整数据库。它具有为在线出租车预订创建的干净的用户界面。它具有优化且结构良好的代码和可定制的功能。


日期:2023 年 11 月 11 日 – 更新V1.3.0版

1. 为客户和司机应用程序更新了支付方式 Flutterwave
2. 修复了预订取消问题错误
3. 更新了最新的 gradle
4. 更新了目标 SDK 版本 (33) 和 Android-build .gradle 相关文件已更新。


Taxi2U有不同类型的预订,如日租、租车、共享、外站轮流、外站单程、送货等,客户可以轻松选择车辆并进行预订。对于接送地点,客户可以使用谷歌地图。客户可以使用钱包、订阅、促销代码、推荐和赚取等非凡功能。聊天和通话选项可用于即时联系司机,评级和评论选项也可用。客户可以管理他们的 SOS 联系人。


在Taxi2U中,司机可以通过 OTP 验证注册他们的手机号码。他们可以使用手机号码和密码轻松登录。在第一次登录时,他们需要添加车辆详细信息并需要上传文件。一旦获得管理员的批准,他们就可以收到旅行请求。在司机应用程序中,司机可以管理自己的钱包以接收旅行付款金额。对于每次旅行,他们将收到钱包中的金额,或者从客户那里收到现金。司机可以轻松查看他们的收入、钱包历史和交易。司机也可以使用取消选项。


  • Map Optimization
  • Recent version of react native
  • New UI designs
  • Car Pooling/ Ride Sharing option (We done powerful shared ride algorithm for you)
  • Multiple stops (Customer can multiple destinations in single ride, swap the destinations)
  • Zones – (You can draw zones from admin panel)
  • Dispatch Module (Admin will create trip, view drivers live locations, view reports, cancel trips etc.)
  • Customer subscription module
  • Scheduled Booking – (Pick Later)
  • Bird View / Live Tracking (Admin will see all the cab live locations from admin panel)
  • SOS (Complete sos module integrated and we share customer live locations to sos contacts in emergency situations)
  • Commercial module (Our app support both taxi and commercial module)
  • Multiple trip types (Daily, Rental, Outstation – one way and rounded, Shared, Delivery)
  • Multi Language and RTL
  • Responsibility privilege module (You can create multiple roles from admin panel)
  • Live Tracking (Live tracking polyline available and you enable and disable using admin panel)
  • Driver Tip (Customer can pay tip for drivers at the end of the trip)
  • Favorite Locations (Customer can mark favourite locations in map)
  • Recent Locations (We suggest to customers past 5 locations)
  • Vehicle Categories (You can add all the passenger and commercial vehicles from admin side)
  • Promo codes (Fully    customized    promo    code    module    like redemption, min and max value, assign to particular customer )
  • Booking cancellation (We integrated cancel option for both customer and driver app)
  • Booking auto assign to driver
  • Payment modes (Flutter wave, razor pay, pay stack, stripe)
  • ETA (Estimated time arrival)
  • Location search (Google location search for both pickup and drop locations)
  • Chat (Customer to driver chat available)
  • Admin chat (Customer to admin chat available)
  • Rating (Rating module we integrated both customer and driver app)
  • Real-time time drop locations (We maintained actual pickup, drop locations and final pickup, drop location)
  • Push Notifications (Customers and drivers get booking status notifications)
  • Driver recharges option from the driver app
  • Driver KYC verification
  • Driver tutorial and training module
  • Dynamic fare management (you can change fare from admin panel anytime)
  • Customer in-app wallet option
  • Complaint module (Customer can register complaints using application)
  • Invoice (Customer will get invoice through mail)
  • Tax (You can add multiple taxes from admin panel)
  • Auto payment mode selection (At the end of trip system will select payment mode automatically)


  • Front End: React Native
  • Admin Panel: Laravel admin
  • Api: Laravel
  • DB: MySql
  • SMS Gateway: Twillio


  • Web管理后端源码
  • SQL数据库文件
  • 司机端APP源码
  • 用户端APP源码
  • 安装配置文档
  • 包后续更新

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