资源名称:JQuery 菜鸟到忍者 pdf

jQuery: Novice to Ninja is a compilation of best-practice jQuery solutions to meet the most challenging Javascript problems. In this question-and-answer book on jQuery, you’ll find a cookbook of ready-to-go solutions to help breathe life into your web page. 

Topics covered include: – Scrolling, Resizing and Animating Webpage elements – Backgrounds, Slideshows, and Crossfaders – Menus, Tabs, and Panels – Buttons, Fields, and Controls – Lists, Trees, and Tables – Frames, Windows, and Dialogs – Adding interactivity with Ajax – Using the jQuery User Interface Themeroller – Writing your own jQuery plug-ins 

All code used to create each solution is available for download and guaranteed to be simple, efficient and cross-browser compatible. 

About the Author 
Sporting a Masters in Information Technology and a lifetime of experience on the “web of hard knocks”, Earle Castledine (Mr Speaker) holds an interest in everything to do with computers. A Senior Systems Analyst and Javascript expert – he is equally happy in the muddy pits of .NET code as in the fluffy fields of client-side interaction development. Co-creator of the client-side opus TurnTubelis, Earle recognizes the Internet not as a lubricant for social change, but as a vehicle for unleashing frivolous ECMAscript gadgets and interesting time-wasting technologies. 



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