MightyKit是一套多应用系统Flutter 2.0 应用界面UI模板包,其中包含完整的应用程序模板、随时可用的小部件、代码片段,即现成的代码集成和涵盖许多不同用例的令人惊叹的屏幕。MightyKit带最新的Material设计。Mighty UI 模板以最高质量、易于重复使用的小部件、快速且完全用户友好的界面开发。您可以轻松地将它们集成到任何 Flutter 项目中。MightyKit使开发人员的工作轻松实现移动应用程序的现代外观和感觉。它可以节省您为现代移动应用程序开发完美设计 UI 的忙碌和时间。


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MightyKit Full Apps:

  • eGarden – Garden Shopping App
  • Handy Man – Home Service Partner App
  • Smart Home – Control your smart home devices
  • Rent House – Use your phone to search and Use your smartphone to search and find rent home, apartment, etc for rent nearby you
  • VPN – Make your network secure and private
  • Meela Bank – Transfer money to your friends
  • Grocery App – The Best Shopping app for all your grocery.

App Features:

  • Clean Code and a well structured project
  • Single code base for both Android & iOS
  • 60 FPS Support for both Android & iOS
  • Fully responsive UI
  • Best UI & UX
  • Dark and light modes
  • Great animation
  • Easy to customize
  • Use of MobX State management
  • Free life time updates & stunning customer support
  • Easy to integrate in your project


Material App

  • Appbar – Different type of app bar with/without action
  • Bottom Navigation Bar – With Icon and Label, With Custom Image, With shifting Label
  • Sliver Appbar – Sliver AppBar With Listview, Parallax sliver AppBar.
  • Tab Bar – Simple Tab Bar, Title with icon tab, Icon tab, Scrollable Tab
  • Buttons – Drop Down Button, Floating Action Button, Popup Menu Button
  • Inputs and Selections – Check Box, DateTime Picker, Radio, Slider, Switch & TextFormField
  • Dialogs, Alerts and Panels – Alert Dialog, Bottom Sheet, Expansion panel, Simple dialog
  • Information Display – Card, Chip, ProgressBar, Gridview, Listview

Cupertino Widgets

  • Action Sheet
  • Activity Indicator
  • Alert Dialog
  • Button
  • Context Menu
  • Dialog
  • Navigation Bar
  • Picker
  • Segment Control
  • Sliding Segment Control
  • Slider
  • Switch
  • TabBar
  • TextField

Painting and Effect

  • BackDrop Filter, Transform


  • Animated Container : animated container for change color/size,etc.
  • Animated CrossFade : animated crossfade for fade effect of widgets.
  • Animated Size : animated size for change size with animation.
  • Animated Position : animated position for change widget position with animation.
  • Hero Transition : hero transition for hero widget.
  • Scale Transition : change scale of widgets with animation.

Code Snippets

  • API – GET, POST API & Pagination Examples.
  • Authentication – Login with Google,Login with Firebase Cloud FireStore,Login with OTP
  • Image Cropper – Crop an image from Gallery or Camera
  • Shimmer – Shimmer is used to add beautiful animations
  • Custom Loader – Different types of Loaders
  • URL Launcher – Open URL, Call Dialer, Email App
  • AdMob :- : Banner Ad, Interstitial Ad, Reward Ad
  • Payment Gateways :- : RazorPay, Stripe Payment Integrations
  • Notification – Local, Remote & Scheduled Notification
  • Firebase CRUD – Add, Update, Remove & Fetch Firebase Documentation
  • QR and Barcode scanner
  • Quick Action (Android Only) – Long Press on App Icon For Demo
  • Shared Preference :- Save and Read SharedPreferences

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最常见的情况是下载不完整: 可对比下载完压缩包的与网盘上的容量,若小于网盘提示的容量则是这个原因。这是浏览器下载的bug,建议用百度网盘软件或迅雷下载。 若排除这种情况,可在对应资源底部留言,或联络我们。

对于会员专享、整站源码、程序插件、网站模板、网页模版等类型的素材,文章内用于介绍的图片通常并不包含在对应可供下载素材包内。这些相关商业图片需另外购买,且本站不负责(也没有办法)找到出处。 同样地一些字体文件也是这种情况,但部分素材会在素材包内有一份字体下载链接清单。


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