- Alibaba, OpenStack, Backblaze B2
- Amazon S3 & Compatible
- Google Cloud Storage
- Azure
- 多个文件系统解析选项
- 自动导入
- 支持元数据
- Google Photos Takeout 兼容
通过上传插件轻松地在访问任何网站时将您需要上传的的图片上传到您的图床。 It features seamless support for the most popular forum software packages.
- bbPress, Discourse, Discuz!, IPB
- MyBB, NodeBB, ProBoards, phpBB
- SMF, Vanilla Forums, vBulletin
- WoltLab & XenForo
- Popup Upload Plugin
支持使用社交网站账户注册图床账户。只需粘贴 API 密钥,无需其他插件即可实现。
- VK
灵活的图像上传功能,支持图像预览、直接拖放图像文件和并行上传。 支持调整图像大小、增加水印、决定 Exif 数据的去留、设置图像有效期、设置 NSFW 标志、私有图像等功能。
- 支持多达 28 种语言。
ImageReto安装过程简单,仪表板功能齐全。 支持在任何支持的环境下安装,支持一键升级,免去繁琐的操作。
支持内容审核。 支持接入第三方内容审核、标记 NSFW 和反垃圾功能。
- Image upload
- Unique and custom-developed HTML5 uploader
- Maximum image size (width/height) auto-resizing
- Supports simultaneous upload threads
- Configurable supported image formats
- Drag-and-drop + clipboard upload from anywhere
- Multiple-image upload
- Upload from your computer, phone or image URL
- Image resizing
- Image auto-deletion
- Removal of image Exif data
- Public/private uploading
- NSWF upload flagging
- Preview queue and progress
- Get embed codes
- Duplicate upload detector (Daily + IP + hash)
- Configurable guest uploads on/off
- Configurable thumbnails and medium-sized image
- Set size of thumbs (fixed)
- Set width of medium (scaled height)
- Configurable storage mode
- Date-folders (Y/m/d).
- Directory (/images)
- Configurable file-naming
- Original for keeping the original file name
- Random for a totally random filename
- Mixed (Original + Random)
- Image ID for file name to match the image ID
- Users
- Unique user names
- Private profiles
- Encoded public IDs
- Images and galleries (albums)
- Roles
- User, manager and admin roles
- User profile
- /username or /user/username configurable profile URLs
- Bio
- Social Networks login
- BCrypted passwords
- Avatar and profile background images
- User albums and galleries
- Search of a user’s content
- Counters (images and albums)
- Multiple social networks
- User can bind Google, Facebook, Twitter and VK to access to their accounts
- Registration
- Register account by email address + password combo
- Password strength color indicator
- Social networks login (configurable on/off requirement for email address)
- Configurable on/off validation of user email addresses
- Configurable minimum age for signup
- User configurable settings
- Username
- User name (real name)
- Newsletter on/off
- Show NSFW on/off
- Language
- Time zone
- Profile (name, website, bio)
- Password
- Connected social networks
- Images
- Support for equirectangular 360 images
- Three (3) image Sizes: Thumbnail, medium and full (original) size
- Unique short URL (encrypted IDs with padding)
- Image categories
- Load button for large images
- Fast image loading + loading indicator
- Configurable “click to load” size threshold
- NSFW / SFW image flags
- Full EXIF show/hide info
- Editable values (Title, Description, Category, Album, NSFW)
- Configurable on/off for downloading original image
- Configurable on/off for right-click on image
- Views counter
- One-click copy embed codes
- Albums
- Sub-albums (nested albums)
- Select album cover image
- Uploading images directly to a target album
- Public and private albums
- Editable album descriptions, name and privacy
- Get all album images embed codes
- Content manager (move, delete, etc.)
- Privacy modes (public, private, anyone-with-the-link, password)
- Guest albums
- Content
- Explore
- List all content (images, albums, users)
- List content by date, trending, popular and animated
- Special animated (GIF) listing
- Listings
- Explore recent, popular and trending content
- Sort by date, views, likes, A-Z
- Built-in Bulk content manager (Multiple editing)
- Built-in privacy scope
- Paginated results using “seek” method
- Get embed codes for selected elements
- Configurable endless scrolling or classic pagination
- Configurable fixed-height or fluid (like Pinterest)
- Configurable number of columns
- Play animated GIF images directly in listings
- Configurable on/off blur for NSFW content
- Content Manager
- Universal manager (available system-wide)
- Drag-select for easy mass item selection
- Manage single and multiple image or album content
- Bulk flag content, assign category, delete, move to album, etc.
- Manage users (dashboard)
- Categories
- Support for unlimited categories
- Set name, URL and description
- SEO-friendly categories
- Search
- Full text search engine
- Basic and advanced search
- Search images, albums and users
- Advanced search with excluded words
- Search operators
- category:name
- storage:id
- ip:
- Share
- Social Networks
- Embed codes (HTML and BBCode)
- Pages
- Pages manager
- Totally customizable with full PHP support
- Support for custom URL key (page URL path)
- Configurable settings
- Title
- Status (online/offline)
- Type (internal or link)
- Visibility
- Link attributes (rel + target + icon)
- Meta keywords and description (SEO)
- Sort order
- Additional features
- Upload plugin
- Configurable consent screen (age verification)
- One click configurable display EU Cookie law
- Twitter Cards
- Facebook Open Graph
- Emoji support
- Explore
- Internal only redirection (zero link juice passing for third-party URLs)
- SEO optimized titles and descriptions
- Set website title and description
- Configurable SEO-friendly categories
- Usage of own content meta descriptions
- Friendly descriptive URLs
- Supports subdomain wildcards (languages and user profiles)
- Supports hreflang
- Ad manager (banners)
- Manage banners directly from the admin panel
- 16 predefined placements
- Support any banner HTML/JS code and size
- Watermarks
- Configure watermark image, opacity and position
- Adaptive watermarks (fits target image)
- Enable/disable per user group (guest, user, admin)
- Protect your copyright or just brand your website
- Themes
- Default theme in two tones (light and dark)
- Cast any PHP code (Listings, info, external classes, etc.)
- Add any JS, CSS and HTML code like pop-under or anything else
- Support for custom theme hooks
- Support for theme overrides (customize only what you need)
- User toggle for light and dark theme tones
- Moderation
- Configurable uploads incoming approval
- ModerateContent integration
- Configurable locking of NSFW editing
- Branding
- Optional “Powered by Chevereto” link
- Spam
- Akismet for user generated content
- StopForumSpam for user signup
- Website modes
- Community (multiple users, social features, etc.)
- Personal (photo/store portfolio)
- Configurable global website privacy mode
- Social features
- Likes system
- One click like/dislike for images and albums
- Available in listings and in image viewer
- Liked content gets stored in user’s “liked” listing
- Configurable on/off feature
- Follow system
- One click follow/unfollow button
- Generates a curated list with content uploaded by the people you follow
- User’s following and followers lists
- Configurable on/off feature
- Notification system
- Instant alerts for social triggered actions
- Likes system
- Configurable core features
- Enable or disable features like user registration, image upload (guest/registered), random button, explore, search, etc.
- Responsive layout
- Responsive layout (multi-device)
- Optimized for any screen resolution
- Works on phones, phablets, tablets and computers
- Admin dashboard
- One-click system update
- Built-in automatic or manual update check
- System stats and info (number of images, users, etc)
- Manage all content (images, albums, users)
- Manually create users
- Bulk content importer
- Works for images, users and albums
- Folder-based content parsing with support for metadata
- Manual and automatic importing
- Configurable settings
- On/off user content deletion
- Website (name, description, etc.)
- Homepage settings
- Content (Privacy, listings, etc.)
- Image upload (permissions, size, thumbs, paths, etc.)
- User signup methods, email confirmation, etc.
- Watermarks
- Theme (Logo, tone, custom CSS and JS)
- Banner codes
- System features
- Email configuration (SMTP/PHP Mail)
- Social networks
- External services
- External storage
- Virtual routes
- On/off system features (explore, search, random, etc.)
- IP bans
- Listing settings
- EU Cookie law compliance
- HTTPS (auto, forced, disable)
- Routing settings (virtual routes)
- Configure album and image base route (/image and /album)
- Homepage settings
- Style (landing, mixed, explore)
- Background covers
- Logo, title, text and call-to-action behavior
- Call-to-action color
- Security features
- IP-based banning system
- Ban any IP from using the system
- Set a ban expiration date
- Set a ban message, HTML display or a URL redirection
- Image and album flood protection
- Avoid malicious attempts to flood your website
- Set limits by minute, hour, week and month (only for images)
- Get flood reports instantly to your email
- System-wide CSRF protection
- Registration flood IP protection
- IP-based banning system
- System
- Configurable automatic update check
- Built-in classes for upload, handling, listing, etc.
- Themes support
- Extremely configurable (Website values, upload settings, etc.)
- All HTML5-based (Default theme)
- Queue handler
- Smart Minify code (JS, CSS)
- Cache translations (built on top of Gettext)
- Configurable maintenance mode
- System notices
- IP-based banning system
- G\DB PDO-based
- Encoded IDs
- Never shows the real ID of the content
- Works by converting numeric IDs to alphanumeric representation
- Debug
- Dump query
- Configurable debug levels
- Once-click enable/disable PHP error-reporting
- Lock system
- Custom lock system which avoids concurrency issues
- Works with files (universal support)
- Multi-language system
- Manual and automatic language detection
- Configurable enabled languages (languages allowed to be used)
- Supports translation overrides (easy phrase-editing)
- Works with language cache (fastest performance)
- Bundled API to upload pictures
- JSON, TXT and redirect responses
- Supports ShareX desktop uploader out of the box
- Code
- Not encrypted source code
- Based on own developed frameworks:
- G\ Library
- MVC PHP micro-framework
- Fast and lightweight
- Object-oriented
- Namespaces
- Routes with overrides and aliases
- Overwrites and extensions
- Themes
- Peafowl framework (theme base)
- CSS/JS front-end framework
- Responsive
- Font icons
- Listings
- Complete set of tools:
- Alerts
- Modal boxes
- Form and grid elements
- Tabs
- G\ Library
- External service integrations
- ModerateContent
- Social Networks signup
- Google+
- VK
- Storage servers
- Amazon S3
- S3 compatible (DreamObjects, DigitalOcean Spaces, etc)
- Alibaba Cloud
- Microsoft Azure
- Backblaze B2
- Google Cloud
- OpenStack
- Disqus SSO
- reCAPTCHA (v2 & v3)