英特尔产品开发工具包Intel OneApi Toolkits 2022.1 Win+Linux+Mac 激活版

Intel OneApi Toolkits开发团队很高兴地宣布Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit 2022.1 是一套全面的开发工具,可让您快速轻松地构建现代代码,从而充分利用最新的英特尔处理器的每一分性能。高性能计算 (HPC) 平台。

Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.1发行说明

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit支持直接编程和 API 编程,并提供统一的语言和库,为一系列硬件提供完整的本机代码支持,包括英特尔和兼容处理器、英特尔处理器显卡 Gen9、Gen11、英特尔Iris Xe MAX 显卡和 Intel Arria 10 或 Intel Stratix 10 SX FPGA。它提供直接编程模型以及基于 API 的编程模型,还包含用于开发和性能调优的分析和调试工具。

Intel OneApi产品提供了使用统一工具集进行开发以及跨 CPU、GPU 和 FPGA 架构部署应用程序和解决方案的自由。本机代码工具包实现 oneAPI 行业规范,主要关注数据并行 C++ (DPC++)、C++、C 和 Fortran 代码开发。数据科学和 AI 工具包支持主要使用 Python* 和 AI 框架的机器学习和深度学习开发人员。

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit是一套全面的开发工具,可让您快速、轻松地构建现代代码,从而在高性能计算 (HPC) 平台中充分发挥最新英特尔处理器的性能。英特尔 oneAPI 基础和 HPC 工具包使用矢量化、多线程、多节点、内存优化和加速器卸载方面的最新技术简化了代码的创建。

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit可帮助开发人员、研究人员和数据科学家自信地快速、正确地开发高性能代码,并扩展利用英特尔 CPU、GPU、FPGA 和 HPC 集群的尖端功能的计算密集型工作负载。它包括行业领先的 C++ 和 Fortran 编译器、标准驱动的 OpenMP 支持、MPI 库和基准测试,以及用于设计、MPI、集群调优和集群健康检查的高级分析工具,以提高正常运行时间和生产力。

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit 包括所有 Intel 编译器(C/C++、Fortran、DPC ++ 等)和多平台支持(Windows、Linux 和 Mac OSX),为您的未来提供更大的灵活性。

注意:包含 Intel Parallel Studio XE 和 Intel System Studio 的工具现已集成到 Intel 的下一代 oneAPI 产品中。Intel OneApi Toolkits是先前工作室产品功能的向上兼容超集,因此工作室产品将不再提供给新客户。

Intel OneApi Toolkits 2022.1 | 10.6 Gb

The oneAPI Toolkits development team is pleased to announce the availability of Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit 2022.1 is a comprehensive suite of development tools that make it fast and easy to build modern code that gets every last ounce of performance out of the newest Intel processors in high-performance computing (HPC) platforms.

Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit 2022.1 Release Notes
Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit supports direct programming and API programming, and delivers a unified language and libraries that offer full native code support across a range of hardware including Intel and compatible processors, Intel Processor Graphics Gen9, Gen11, Intel Iris Xe MAX graphics, and Intel Arria 10 or Intel Stratix 10 SX FPGAs. It offers direct programming model as well as API-based programming model, and it also contains analysis & debug tools for development and performance tuning.

Intel oneAPI products deliver the freedom to develop with a unified toolset and to deploy applications and solutions across CPU, GPU, and FPGA architectures. Native code toolkits implement oneAPI industry specifications and primarily focus on Data Parallel C++ (DPC++), C++, C and Fortran code development. Data science and AI toolkits support machine learning and deep learning developers who primarily use Python* and AI frameworks.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit is a comprehensive suite of development tools that make it fast and easy to build modern code that gets every last ounce of performance out of the newest Intel processors in high-performance computing (HPC) platforms. Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit simplifies creating code with the latest techniques in vectorization, multi-threading, multi-node, memory optimization, and accelerator offloading.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit helps developers, researchers, and data scientists confidently develop performant code quickly and correctly, and scale compute-intensive workloads that exploit cutting-edge features Intel CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and HPC clusters. It includes industry-leading C++ and Fortran compilers, standards-driven OpenMP support, MPI library and benchmarks, and advanced analysis tools for design, MPI, cluster tuning, and cluster health checking to enhance uptime and productivity.

Intel oneAPI Base & HPC Toolkit includes all the Intel compilers (C / C ++, Fortran, DPC ++ etc.) and multiple platform support (Windows, Linux and Mac OSX) to give you more flexibility for the future.

Note: The tools that comprised Intel Parallel Studio XE and Intel System Studio are now integrated into Intel’s next generation oneAPI products. The Intel oneAPI Toolkits are upward compatible supersets of the features in the previous studio products, so the studio products will no longer be offered to new customers.

Intel is a world leader in computing innovation. The company designs and builds the essential technologies that serve as the foundation for the world’s computing devices. As a leader in corporate responsibility and sustainability, Intel also manufactures the world’s first commercially available “conflict-free” microprocessors.

Product: Intel OneApi Toolkits
Version: 2022.1 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://software.intel.com/
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: PC / macOs / linux **
Size: 10.6 Gb

* release info: Intel OneApi Base Toolkit 2022.1.0.116.exe
Intel OneApi HPC Toolkit 2022.1.0.93.exeIntel OneApi Base Toolkit 2022.1.1.119.sh
Intel OneApi HPC Toolkit 2022.1.1.97.shIntel OneApi Base Toolkit 2022.1.0.92.dmg
Intel OneApi HPC Toolkit 2022.1.0.86.dmg

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