在本课程中,我们将学习Radare 2逆向工程框架。它是IDA Pro的免费开源替代方案。我开始使用它的原因是,除非您的雇主付款,否则我认为没有人会购买IDA Pro。Radare 2是一个完美的免费替代产品,它的唯一缺点是可能很难开始使用它。这就是本课程的来龙去脉。我的目标是使您尽可能快地渡过难关。这样您就可以熟悉Radare 2。

MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + .srt | Duration: 16 lectures (2h 10m) | Size: 1,1 GB

Harness the Power of the Open-Source Radare2 for Your Reverse Engineering Projects

What you’ll learn:
How to use Radare 2 to reverse engineer binaries.
Disassembling binaries.
Navigating in the binary.
Debugging executables.
Patching executables.

Basic understanding of assembly.
Basic understanding of the linux terminal

In this course we will learn about the Radare 2 reverse engineering framework. It is an open source free alternative to IDA Pro. I started to work with it because I think nobody will buy IDA Pro unless it is paid by your employer. Radare 2 is a perfect free alternative, its only disadvantage is that it could be hard to start using it. This is where this course comes in. My goal was to get you over the hard part as fast as possible. So that you can get comfortable with Radare 2.

These are the things you will learn in this course:

Setting up Radare

Understanding its syntax

Understanding its config

Information gathering about the binary

Navigation in the binary

Cross references

Run-time debugging

Patching the binary

However there are a few things that are not goals of this course:

We are going to focus on the tool and not on assembly, so this is not an assembly course. You can follow along without understanding everything in assembly and that is fine, but don’t expect that you can learn assembly in a few hours.

We will learn some reverse engineering techniques but it is not our goal to learn everything.

However what you are definitely will learn is how to use Radare 2, and after this course if you need to analyse a binary you will be able to pull out radare from your sleeves anytime you need it.

All exercises are hand-on, so you are expected to repeat the exercises yourself. I have done quite a lot of trainings myself, live or online, and I can tell you that without practicing they won’t stick. This is a really practical training so I encourage you to try everything yourself, because just watching the videos will only give you the illusion that you learnt something, 80% of the learning happens when you do the exercises.

Who this course is for
People who already know basic reverse engineering and want to learn how Radare2.
Hackers looking for a free tool instead of IDA Pro.

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