了解比特币和以太坊等区块链技术的基础,并了解Microsoft Azure Cloud中区块链对软件开发人员的重要性。该视频介绍了区块链中使用的密码学的基本概念,重点介绍了流行的区块链平台以太坊及其与比特币的区别。它讨论了事务的结构,所涉及的密码安全性,防止重复支出以及共识机制。展望未来,您将浏览基于Azure构建的区块链解决方案的体系结构设计示例,以及Azure Blockchain Workbench和Blockchain API中的常见集成模式。最后,您将看到现实世界中区块链的实际使用案例,包括金融和资本投资市场,政府,教育,

观看视频后,您将了解区块链的工作原理,还将发现区块链如何通过使用Microsoft Azure云作为交付平台的实际实施来帮助优化业务流程并降低运营成本。

利用Microsoft Azure云作为交付平台

MP4 | Video: AVC 1920 x 1080 | Audio: AAC 48 Khz 2ch | Duration: 00:55:25 | 1.81 GB

Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Understand the foundations of blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, and learn the importance of blockchain for software developers in Microsoft Azure Cloud. This video introduces the basic concepts of cryptography used in blockchain and focuses on describing the popular blockchain platform Ethereum and how it is different from Bitcoin. It discusses the structure of a transaction, the cryptographic security involved, the prevention of double spending, and the consensus mechanism. Moving forward, you will go through examples of the architecture designs of blockchain solutions built on Azure along with common integration patterns in Azure Blockchain Workbench and the Blockchain API. Finally, you will see practical use cases of blockchain in the real world, including finance and capital investment markets, government, education, healthcare, supply chain, and energy.

After watching the video, you will understand how blockchain works.You will also discover how blockchain can help optimize business processes and reduce operating costs, with practical implementations using Microsoft Azure Cloud as the delivery platform.

What You Will Learn
Get a firm foundation of knowledge of blockchain technologies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum
Leverage Microsoft Azure Cloud as a delivery platform
Discover the Blockchain API


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