
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 23 lectures (2h 19m) | Size: 1.26 GB

在本课程中,您将学习如何构建Flutter Drawing应用程序,如何使用Google Colab在Python中构建生成式对抗神经网络,如何在Python中构建REST API来向生成器请求新草图图像,以及立即生成图像!


学习在手机上开发任何可扩展的机器学习/ AI想法的工具和技能。


使用Flask在Python中构建REST API。


生成一个AI Flutter应用程序。

What you’ll learn:
Build an App that takes a Sketch of a Human and Generates a Realistic Image!
State-of-the-Art Artificial Intelligence Mobile Application.
Creating your own API to interact with our Python Model.
Build a State-of-the-Art GAN and implement in Flutter App.
Learn the skills & tools to develop any scalable Machine Learning / A.I. ideas on a mobile phone.
Learn the skills & tools to build the next Million Dollar A.I. startup!
Learn the Almighty & Powerful Pix2Pix Algorithm!

Intermediate Programmer
Built 1-2 Flutter Applications
Built 1-2 Scripts in Python
Love learning about applying cutting-edge algorithms to practical cases!

Do you want to learn how to build a current State of the Art Deep Learning mobile app?

In this course you will learn how to build a Flutter Drawing Application, build a Generative Adverserial Neural Network in Python using Google Colab, building a REST API in Python to make requests to our generator for new sketch images, and generating our images immediately!

After completing this course you will be able to:

Learn the tools and skills to develop any scalable Machine Learning / A.I. ideas on a mobile phone.

Understanding how the Pix2Pix Algorithm is implemented and what it is.

Building a REST API in Python using Flask.

Generate Humans or anything you have an idea for.

Build an A.I. Flutter Application.

This course is for you if …

You’re passionate about Deep Learning/AI or Mobile Development and want to expand your knowledge.

You enjoy applying cutting-edge algorithms to practical cases.

Want to learn State-of-the-Art Deep Learning algorithms and how you can use them on a mobile device!

Course prerequisites:

Flutter Knowledge

Python Knowledge

Love learning about applying cutting-edge algorithms to practical cases!

Our Promise

Teaching our students is my job and I am committed to it. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to any topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.

Who this course is for
Intermediate Programmers
Flutter Developers
Python Developers
AI Engineers
Flutter Machine Learning
Data Science Practical




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